Lab Report 1

Tutorial for incoming 15L students about how to log into a course specific account on ieng6

There are three steps

  • Installing VScode
  • Remotely Connecting
  • Trying Some Commands

I will go down the list

Installing VScode

If you are on a lab computer VScode should already be installed, but if you are using a personal computer without it you must download the application

Luckily, it is straightforward

Step 1: Go to Visual Studio Code Website

Step 2: Download whatcha need for your OS

After it is installed, open the application, it should look something like


Remotely Connecting

The point of this section is to connect to a remote computer by way of the Internet

To connect to the ieng6, you must also access your cs15l account and change the password.

CSE15L Account

Follow this link to access you cse15L account Account Lookup

In this page, enter your UCSD username and PID image

It should take you to a page like this


Inside the gray box is your username. Remember it, write it down, maybe even copy and paste it to a file and for safe keeping. You will need to refer to it both when reseting your password and then in connecting to the remote server.

From the new page, select the Global Password Change tool


Then Proceed to the Password Change tool


Enter your cs15L username! After you enter it, you should recieve an email to your UCSD email containing a link that will direct you to where you change your password


Finally, enter a new password, and make sure it is good, and make sure you remember it!


Assuming you followed the steps correctly, it is probable that you reset your password and now have access to your CS15L account!!!! Congratulations. 😄


Next, make sure to download git for Windows if you are on Windows and do not have it installed

git for Windows


Once installed, use the git bash terminal in VScode

Set Bash terminal as default in VScode following these instructions

Open a terminal in VScode using the shortcut Ctrl or Command + ` , type in the command #ssh , replacing zz with the two letters in your username

Since this is the first time sshing into the server, you should get a message like this

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ksruYwhnYH+sySHnHAtLUHngrPEyZTDl/1x99wUQcec.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? 

Just have some faith, type ‘yes’, press enter

Then, the terminal will prompt you for a password. You cannot see the password as you enter it in, so maybe copy and paste it in. The final interaction should look something like this after inputting the correct password for your account:


At this point, you have succesfully remotely connected to the server!!! :joy:

Trying Some Commands

There are tons of commands! Here are some of the ones I know and have tested so far

  • ls - Lists Directory contents
  • pwd - Prints Working Directory
  • cd - Changes Directory
  • .. - Goes to Parent Directory, or the one outside current directory
  • cat - prints out contents of file, can be more than one and doesn’t need to be .txt
  • mkdir - makes a directory
  • touch - has some commands and can be used to make files
  • nano - file editor

Here is a reference for more commands:

Playing with Commands

File Stuff

So, I started out using ls to see what is in my current path


It is this thingy called perl5, and I want to know what that is, so I try to cat it


Apparently it is a directory! 😺 Um, I guess I will pwd


That is my current working directory; Ima add a file in cs15lsp23et using touch -m and then ls to show it was created


Now I want to add some text to the helloWorld.txt file. To do this, I used a command called nano. It opens a text editor looking thingy.


I added in Hello World! to the file and saved it, and then cated it to see if it worked properly!



Great Success!!! 🥳🥳🥳

Directory Stuff

I take a step out of the home directory using the command cd .. and then print the working directory using pwd


And time to see what is in this path … using ls


Wow! It is all of the users in the class, at least I suspect. I underlined my user, in there rests helloWorld.txt!

So….. I tried to cd into another person’s directory to see what files they had, but



Oh well, I’ll keep to my own files. I return to home directory using cd ~. I want to see what is in perl5, so I ls. Barren! Ima add a directory called stuff using mkdir


ummm, so now there is stuff in perl5. I have played with all of the commands I know. I think this is sufficient. Thus, exit
